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Famous or Important Persons in "The Rise Of Nationalism in Europe"

 Same chapter, Different Blog

"The Rise of Nationalism in Europe " is a chapter with many layered information, hence like the last blog, we are going to dive deeper into uncovering the indepth knowledge given in this chapter by discussing the important leaders, painter and freedom fighters mentioned.

(If you haven't read the previous blog "The Rise of Nationalism In Europe __Important Years and Dates" yet, Click Here! )

Okay let's begin

1) Fredrich Sorrieu --. 

French Artist who painted a series of four painitings visualising his dream of a world made up of "Democratic and Social Republics".

2) Earnest Renan --

French Philosopher, delivered a lecture at University of Sorbonne outlining his understanding of What makes an Nation. 

3) Andreas Rebmann --

Designed the cover of German Almanac at 1798

4) Napolean Bonarpte --

* French Ruler, who established the Napleonic Code of 1804 

                                     5) Karl Kasper --

                                    German artist, who painted ' The Planting of Liberty in Zweibrucken' 


6) Fredrich List --

A Professor of Economics at the University of Turbingen in Germany, wrote in 1834 ,"The German People have realised that a free economic system is the only means to engender National Feeling" and related Nationalism to Economics

                                               7) Giacomo Mategazza --

                                               Artist/ Printer of the Painting "Guiseppe Mazzini and the founder of                                                           Young Europe in 1833"

8) Guiseppe Mazzini --

* Italian Revolutionary and founder of Young Italy and Young Europe organisations.

* Stood for the Unification of Italy 

9) Duke Metternich --

* Hosted the delegates at the Vienna Congress

* Described Guisppe Mazzini as "the most dangerous enemy of our social order"

* Also stated "When France sneezes , the rest of Europe catches cold"

10) Lord Byron --

* English Poet

*Raised Fund and participated in the Greek war of Independence

*Dies of Fever in 1824 

(Fun Fact -- He was the father of Ada Lovelace- the first computer progammer in the world!)

11) Louise Phillipe --

 *Was placed as the head of the constitutional monarchy after July 1830.

* Considered the Last King of France

12) Eugene Delacroix --

*One of the most important French Romantic Painters

* Painter of "The Massacre at Chios at 1824"

13) Johann Gottfried Herder --

A german romatic who claimed that true German Culture was to be discovered among the common people ( das volk) 

It was only through folk songs and folk dances that the true spirit of the nation (volkgeist) was popularised

14) Karol Kuprinski --

* Celebrated the national struggle of Poland through his operas and music, turning folk dances like the polanaise and marzurka into nationalist symbols.

15) Grimm Brothers (Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm)

* Born in 1785 and 1786 respectively in the German city of Hanau

* Spent 6 yeards travelling and collecting fairy tales, which were handed down from generations

    16) Wilhelm Wolff --

     * The Journalist ,who described the events / protest at the Silesia             village on 1848

    17) Fredrich Wilhelm IV --

       *King of Prussia , who rejected the Frankfurt Parliament's offer to the crown under the policy of a constitutional monarch

18) Carl  Welcker --

*A Liberal Politician, who was an elected member of the Frankfurt Parliament, expressed his views against giving suffrage to women

19) Louise Otto- Peters (1819 -95)  --

* A German Political activist who founded a women's journal and subsequently a feminist political association.

*Fought for Women Suffrage

20 ) Otto Von Bismarck --

*Prussian Chief Minister ,who was the 'Architect of German Unification'

21) Kaiser William 1 --

*The Prussian King ,who was proclaimed the Emperor of United (new) German Empire 

22) Anton Von Werner --

* The painter of " The Proclamation of the German Empire in the Hall of mirrors at Versailles) 

23) General Von Roon --

*The Chief Commander of the Prussian Army

24) Victor Emmanuel II --

* In 1861, The King of Sardinia - Piedmont , was also proclaimed the King of united Italy

25) Guiseppe Garibaldi --

* An Italian Revolutionary, who helped unfication of Italy by intergrating the Kingdom of the two Siciles and Papal states

26) Count Cavour --

* The Chief Minister, who led the movement to unify the regions of North italy and defeated its Austrian control.

27) Wolfe Tone --

*Led the revolt of "United Irishmen" against the English in 1798


28) Philip Veit --

* Painted the allegory "Germania" which was to be hanged at the German Parliament at Church St. Paul in 1848

29) Julius Huber --

* Painted "The Fallen Germania " in 1850 

30) Lorez Clasen --

* Painted "Germania guarding the Rhine" in 1860.

Hope this helps you all!


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