The Periodic Table of Elements.
Just remember " Hi, Hello Listen BBC News on Friday Night!"
Hmm... Now, I know you are wondering how listening to BBC news is going to solve your problem. Don't worry I am not asking you to sacrifice your Friday nights, because in actuality that sentence is a mneumonic!
(To all the ones who are wondering what a MNEUMONIC is - It is a small phrase or sentence, whose first letters help in associating and remembering a concept)
In this Mneumonic, we will be considering the symbols of the elements :-
Name of the element - Symbol - Mnemonic
Hydrogen - H - Hi
Helium - He - Hello
Lithium - Li - Listen
Berylium - Be - B
Boron - B - B
Carbon - C - C
Nitrogen - N - News
Oxygen - O - On
Fluorine - F - Friday
Neon - Ne - Night
So, that covers the first 10 elements of the Periodic table.
For the next 10 " Na Maango Allah Se Pepsi ,Soda ,Cola Aur Kaju Catli"
( ना माँगो अल्लाह से पेप्सी, सोड़ा, कोला और काजू कतली -- for the ones who know Hindi and to the people who don't know Hindi - The mnemonic basically means Don't ask Allah for Pepsi Soda Cola and Cashew Katli)
Sodium - Na - Na
Magnesium - Mg - Maango
Aluminium - Al - Allah
Silicon - Si - Si (se)
Phosphorous - P - Pepsi
Sulphur - S - Soda
Chlorine - Cl - Cola
Argon - Ar - Aur
Pottasium - K- Kaju
Calcium - Ca - Catli (Katli)
As crazy as it might sound , listening to BBC News while eating Kaju Katli is actually going to help you in your Chemistry exam! 🤣😬
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