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The Rise of Nationalism In Europe __Important Years and Dates

 The Rise of Nationalism in Europe -- A chapter containing 2 centuries of European History, in 20 pages. Stretching from France to Balkan region, It covers all the major incident which has occured in Europe in the context of Nationalism. 

This is a topic of immense importance  both due to its humungous size and the fact that it is the only chapter from History coming  in the 10th Board exams Term.1 MCQ.

This blog will hopefully help you remember all the Dates and Years mentioned in the chapter. 

(Kindly note that the Years are not in exact chronological order but instead go with the flow of chapter as per NCERT textbook) 

So, Let's Start! 

1. 1848 - Frederich Sorrieu's Painitings on Democratic and Social Republics ( French Artist) 

2. 1882 - Lecture at University of Sorbonne by ERNST RENAN

3. 1789 - French Revolution

4. 1790's - French moved into Belgium, Switzerland and Italy to spread Nationalism

5. 1798 - German Almanac design by ANDREAS REBMANN

6. 1804 - Civil Code or Napleonic Code

7. 1813 - Battle of Leizpig

8. 1834 - Zollverin formed , FREDRICH LIST wrote about National economy and its relation with Nationalism

9. 1815 - Defeat of Naploean , Treaty of Vienna

10. 1820 - Club of Thinkers -- painting

11. 1807 - Guiseppe Mazzini - Born

12. 1831 - Guiseppe Mazzizini sent to exile for attempting an revolution in Liguaria , Polish armed Rebellion against Russian rule 

13. 1833 - Founding of Young Europe in Berne

14. 1830 - The Liberalism and Nationalism revolution resulted in first upheavel in France -- Bourbon Over thrown again 

15. 1821 - Greek revolution of independence begun

16. 1824 - Lord Byron Dies , The Massacre of Chios - Painting by EUGENE DELACROIX

17. 1832 - Treaty of Constantinople

18. 1785 and 1786 - Jacob and Wilhem Grimm born (respectively)

19. 1812 - Grimm brother's published 1st collection of tales

20. 1830's - Economic Hardships in Europe

21. 1848 - Peasants Uprising in Paris

22. 4th June 1845 - Weavers in Silesia Revolt

23. 18 May 1848 - All German National Assembly - 831 elected members marched in festive procession to take their place in Parliament

24. 1867 - Habsburg rulers granted more autonomy to the Hungarians

25. (18th Jan) 1871 - Prussian King - Kaiser William proclaimed as the Emperor of German at Versailles

25. 1859 - Defeat of Austrian Forces by Cavour during Italian Unfication

26. 1860 - Revolt in Kingdom of 2 Sicilies by Garibaldi during Italian Unficaiton (Expedition of the 1000 to South Italy)

27. 1861 - Victor Emmanuel II - King of United Italy 

28. 1688 - English Parilament seized power from Monarchy

29. 1707 - The Act of Union between England and Scotland

30. 1798 - Revolt of Wolfe Tone and his United Irishmen

31. 1801 - Ireland incorporated into Britain (United Kingdoms)

32. 1833 - Garibaldi meets Mazzini (both the Guiseppe meet 😆) and Garibaldi joins Young Italy

33. 1834 - Republican Uprising in Piedmont

34. till 1848 - Garibaldi was exiled in South America

35. 1854 - Garibaldi supports Victor Emmanuel  II for Unification

36. 1867 - Garibaldi led fight in Rome against Papal States , where Garrison of French were stationed

37. 1870 - Papal States Joined Italy

38. 2021 - Present day🙃

Hope this helps you all! Best of Luck !


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