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Area of a Triangle__ Easier Method

Triangles  Let's be honest, Its just too tedious to find the height of the triangle to find the area and the usage of hero's formula is enough to drive anyone crazy, so in this blog I introduce you an easier method! 
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Mental Health and Writing

Ever had that feeling where you are too muddled up in your thoughts, don't know what to do next or are pressured due to your unachievable expectations? All these feelings can accumulate and lead to ill effects both on your physical and mental health... What if we give you one (magical) solution for all these problems? WRITING! Yup taking a pencil and making contact with a paper has many surprisingly stress-relieving effects, Don’t believe me? Keep reading this post! 1)  Analysis and check on emotion Sitting down every day and expressing your emotions ( through a diary or via a character in your story) can help you clear your head and heavy heart, giving a method to resolve and analyze those feelings. It aids in answering the questions - what caused them? How can I be relieved of it? Acknowledging your emotions and facing them headfirst is the first step to resolving them. It also helps develop self-awareness and increase self-esteem 2)  Spring cleaning Emotions can g...

Sample Papers__Term.2__ 10th

 2021-22  These two years have been very eventful for many around the world, but nothing can beat the roller-coaster ride the 10th grade students of this batch had to go through. Reduced portions, two sets of boards exams, new pattern , delayed exams... These have been baffling years for this batch for sure! To help the current batch of 10th graders through this labyrinth of exams, this blog  contains 100+ papers for Term 2 Mathematics, Science , Social Science and English!  Hope it helps you all!  SCIENCE  Physics : Electricity,  Magnetic effects of Electric current  Chemistry : Carbon and its compounds , Periodic Classification of Elements  Biology : How do organism reproduce? , Heredity and evolution , Our Environment For Term.2 Science papers  Click Here! SOCIAL SCIENCE History: Chap 2 : Nationalism in India  Democratic Politic s: Chap 6 : Political Parties Chap 7: Outcomes of Democracy  Geography : Chap5: Minerals and E...

Poetic Devices __ 10th Grade English

What makes a poem popular? What makes one poem better than the other?  Though all these questions have multiple answers, One common and important answer to all these questions is the tactful use of Poetic devices.  But, what are Poetic devices?  Poetic devices  are tools that a poet can use to create rhythm, enhance a poem's meaning, or intensify a mood or feeling. These devices help piece the poem together, much like a hammer and nails join planks of wood together.  There are copious poetic devices , which we will be discussing in detail in this blog 1) In poetry,  repetition  is repeating words, phrases, or lines. 2) A  simile  is a comparison between two unlike things. Similes use the words 'like' or 'as.'  3) In contrast to a simile, a  metaphor  is a comparison between two unlike things without using the words like or as. A metaphor uses the senses and compares two things in a meaningful way 4) Poets ma...

Hormones in Plants _ Chemical coordination in Plants

Hormones! Teenagers with their mood swings, sudden anger and change in behaviour usually blame the change of hormones in their body. 😬 ( If the lamp broke because I kicked it with anger, blame the hormones not me! )  Growth in height, skin colour, excretion and even reproduction are controlled by various hormones in our body.  We know that hormones are very important in our body, but what about other living organisms on our earth? For example , What about Plants? The organism which forms the base of any food chain, without which none of the other life on earth can survive surely should have some mechanism for their survival and growth... You will be surprised to know that they do have Hormones!  ( Well, they don't go through a teenager phase like humans, so it's safe to say that we don't need to worry about 'moody' plants) Plants have various hormones which control their growth, fruting and death. We will be talking about each one of them in this blog. Let's st...

हिन्दी __ लेखन कौशल ( Writing Skill )

  पत्र लेखन ( औपचारिक) परीक्षा भवन  बेंगलुरु - XXXX03 सेवा मे  प्रधानाचार्य / प्रबंधक / अध्यक्ष  बेंगलुरु - XXXX89 दिनांक - XX।XX।XX विषय - महोदय, सविनय निवेदन यह है की ........ (Paragraph .1 ) विनम्र निवेदन यह है की .......... ( Paragraph .2) आपका आज्ञाकारी शिष्य / भवदीय नाम  सूचना लेखन लघु कथा लेखन शीर्षक :- (Paragraph .1) -- कहानी -- ( Paragraph.2) -- कहानी -- शिक्षा :- विज्ञापन लेखन कुछ उपयोगी वाक्यांश * आज ही खरीदे⁰! * सफलता की सर्वोत्तम कुंजी! *अवसर न चूके⁰! * स्टॉक सीमित है ! * देखो , कहीं पछताना न पड़े ! * सुनहरा अवसर ! * बम्पर सेल ! * पहले आओ , पहला पाओ! *जल्दी कीजिये ! * धमाका! * बचत ही बचत! * सफलता की गारंटी!

Trignometry and Circles. Are they related?

 The Tangent and Secant. Circle and Trigonometry . One is related to a closed figure with the highest number of sides ( basically infinite sides ) and the other is about a closed figure with the least number of sides . At first glance, we don't see any correlation between these two concepts, but they have the same terms expressing their important topics.  Most people might think that the mathematicians of that time just ran out of words to name the innumerable things they discover but that is not the case in this situation.  The Tangent and Secant of a circle and that from trignometry have a cardinal relation, which we will dig deep and uncover in this blog,  Let's consider a circle with centre O and radius 1 cm ( for making calculations easier) .Hence OA and OB are radii of the circle ( Both of 1 cm). Next, draw a line segment perpendicular from B to OA and name this point C. Hence BC is perpendicular to OA. Now, OBC is a right angled triangle. Considering the trigo...