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Sample Papers__Term.2__ 10th


These two years have been very eventful for many around the world, but nothing can beat the roller-coaster ride the 10th grade students of this batch had to go through. Reduced portions, two sets of boards exams, new pattern , delayed exams... These have been baffling years for this batch for sure!

To help the current batch of 10th graders through this labyrinth of exams, this blog  contains 100+ papers for Term 2 Mathematics, Science , Social Science and English! 

Hope it helps you all! 


Physics: Electricity,  Magnetic effects of Electric current 

Chemistry: Carbon and its compounds , Periodic Classification of Elements 

Biology: How do organism reproduce? , Heredity and evolution , Our Environment

For Term.2 Science papers Click Here!


History: Chap 2 : Nationalism in India 

Democratic Politics: Chap 6 : Political Parties Chap 7: Outcomes of Democracy 

Geography : Chap5: Minerals and Energy Resources (*Only Map) Chap 6: Manufacturing Industries Chap 7: Lifelines of National Economy 

Economics : Chap3: Money and Credit Chap 4: Globalization and the Indian Economy

For Term.2 Social papers  Click here!


1. Quadratic Equations 2. Arithmetic Progression 3. Applications of Trigonometry 4. Circles 5. Constructions 6. Surface Areas and Volumes 7. Statistics

For Term.2 Mathematics papers Click here!


READING : 1. Discursive passage  2. Case based Factual passage

WRITING SKILL : 1 .Letter of Order  2. Letter of Enquiry 3. Analytical Paragraph 

GRAMMAR 1. Tenses 2. Modals 3. Subject Verb Concord 4. Determiner 5. Reported Speech 6. Commands and Requests 7. Statements 8. Questions 


FIRST FLIGHT 1. Glimpses of India 2. Madam Rides the Bus 3. The Sermon at Benares 4. The Proposal (Play) 

 POEMS 1. Amanda 2. Animals 3. The Tale of Custard the Dragon 

FOOTPRINTS WITHOUT FEET 1. The Making of a Scientist 2. The Necklace 3. The Hack Driver 4. Bholi

For Term.2 English papers Click Here!


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